a bit more of a preview. I'll have tons more later. it's rained. ALL week. but, luckily, tomorrow is supposed to be sunny. my cousin Charly (Charlotte): rained in: light (sleeping in since it's raining):
now to just figure out that film camera I brought.
2 more from yesterday:
we finished packing. and I always take too much, but..I can't bare to leave anything I already packed behind. I'm looking forward to taking pictures at the aquarium this year. and I hope my sister and mom will let me use their shared film camera.
Tomorrow: get up early, stare into space because of the hour while we eat breakfast. load up--(pillows in tow.) drive for 6 hours with numerous stops--including a fast food restaurant, and possibly a pawn shop and the grocery store. when we get there, unpack, jump into bathing suits, and go swimming till dinner time.
the only problem? it's supposed to rain tomorrow. and all the rest of the week.
my clothes from the past 3 days: Shirt: thrifted skirt: thrifted. dress: made from an old skirt. dress: thrifted Shirt: hand-me-down. you can hype the outfits on lookbook.
I'm in the mood to make cupcakes (complete with pastel frosting, and lots of flowery and pearly decorations), but don't have time. I wanted a nap, but didn't have time today. I wanted to chat to my dear friend all the day long, but didn't have time. I wanted to start a sewing project, but didn't have time. I wanted to upload a bunch of photos, but they need editing, and I don't have time.
I just don't have time anymore. >.< I remember when I was little--(ha--ok, I'm not THAT old, but old enough to have a time when I WAS little) I would do anything to get to be a grownup. and sometimes I still wish that, but...oh to be a kid again, and spend all day in an imaginary world, instead of a world of algebra, babysitting, cleaning house, learning to drive, having to save money, and thinking about what's next on my list that I need to do. *sigh*
so, my dear readers, I leave you with a song to put you in a happier mood, after listening to me moan and groan about life. (if I wasn't trying to grow my hair to butt-length, I'd cut my hair like hers. oh, and if my hair wasn't wavy, it'd work even better.)
aggh. sorry about the picture overload. but I do so love images. another busy week begins:
Monday: babysitting. (6-8 hours--twins and a 2 year old.) Tuesday: my job on friends farm. (6 hours) apprenticing to a violin teacher (2 hours.) Wednesday: violin lesson and school. Thursday: more babysitting (5 hours--a 5 year old.) Friday: school, then nap(s). pack for beach. Saturday: sleep in, then a nap in the afternoon. finish packing. Sunday: spend 6 hours in the car, driving to the beach!!
these are my goodwill finds from yesterday: (sorry for looking like a ghoul/zombie--I need a shower, and my make-ups weird.) coat--$7.50 the coat is almost floor length, what with me being 5'3". =) suitcase--$2.95
the photos taken with my sisters lens: (warning--photo overload) my mom's bulletin board:
and there you have it. I have more--but I'll save them for another time. not sure why they're a bit blurry--I thought I had it focused well. but, I think it kinda adds to it.
the trees are turning--I hope I don't miss fall when I leave for the beach, in a week and 2 days.