Man--I want all those clothes. But, alas, I shall not have them.
I went shopping with my grandmother today. I got a loverly skirt from target that's pink
and flouncy with lots of ruffles.
And I got my dress for my 70's costume party. (yay. now to find some platform shoes.)
It turned rainy, and it'll feel SO dreary after all this 80 degree weather we've been having.
And also, music is my life--wether I'm playing my violin, and listening to Vampire weekend,
I couldn't live without it. My siblings and I would always ask eachother if we would rather beblind or deaf.
I've NEVER been able to answer that--Too many good things would be lost by either one.
These are a few blogs I like to look at:
Her's for the wit.
Her's for the clothing.
Her's for the simplicity.
And Her's because I love red hair, and she & her boyfreind are so cute.
these photos are wonderfully decadent.
Hello there:) Emma Watson, Vampire Weekend yep there's a lot to like here!
emma watson is such a beauty! i'm so jealous of her being able to have an amazing photoshoot wearing those darling clothes!
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