a perfect dancing dress.

this skirt in real life is teal--more green. I wore it yesterday with a leopard
print shirt. that was fun. wrinkled from the wear, and I'm too lazy to iron it:

new favorite sweater:

(the pattern is growing on me for this sweater. it's a nice over-sized one for
around the house)

and I got this skirt for free: (yay for older sisters.) and it has pockets!

sunflare and lemons:

I don't feel like writing about my day.
I feel like writing what's on my mind:
I wish I had enough money for etsy shops.
I can't wait for the beach. (1 week, 6 days!!)
I hope the bathing suit I ordered isn't too small. (that websight's sizing is
I love coldplay, but I've heard the same album over and over again. I'm tired ofit.
twins are cute. and not so hard to babysit.
relationships are messy, confusing, and worth it in the end.
I'm glad I started this blog over a year ago. and I'm glad for all the followers--I hope I don't bore you.
WOw, these items for only 6,25?!!!!
Not bad!
I love the oversized sweater!
check out my blog ;)
thanks for your comment ;)
I like both but honestly said, I prefer almost always skinny jeans - wearing boys , but they are really rare in regensburg :(
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