I have a bit of a head cold, but hopefully I'll be over it soon.

If you have lookbook, you can hype the look here.
Oh!! and I MIGHT be getting my camera today! I'm bidding on ebay for it (a d80) it comes with 2
batteries, and a nice lens. There's still 4 hours left to bid, but I think I'm doing pretty good--no-one has bid in 15 hours. (But I'm sure it'll get hectic in the last few minutes.) *crosses fingers and hopes and prays*
I adore this dress. did you use a pattern or did you do it from scratch?
what a beautiful dress! oh, how i wish i could sew! the second shot of you is simply amazing. good luck with your bidding!
love, jazzabelle. xxx
oh my, that dress is gorgeous. you young lady are an extremely talented girl! The shots are a vision, especially the second one, and your hair is lovely.
fingers and toes crossed you win your bid :)
thank you all for your lovely comments!! <3
@ vienna--The dress was quite easy to make--I kinda followed a pattern, but made up the skirt.
@ Jazz--thank you--I do so adore this dress myself. =) you should try sewing sometime--it's quite fun!
@Eve-rei--I appreciate the encouragement!! (<3) My hair is taking forever to grow out, and I'm tempted to chop it all off--but, after seeing pictures of yours, I know I'll be happy if I keep it long. =)
I didn't win that camera...(shucks)but I'll try again on another one. >.<
I'm in love with your dress!! It's beautiful and your photos are great too, you're so talented! I love your blog miss, keep it up! : )
i love your dress! it is absolutely gorgeous;)
@ Esther--Thank you for the comment, and becoming a follower! I love my dress too. actually, you're what inspired me to wear this dress again. =) I love YOUR blog, miss. =D
@ Mel--thanks for the comment. (and becoming a follower too!!) I always like the stuff you sew on your blog. =)
Hey Hannah! I just cut my hair about the same length as yours, and because you have such great taste, i was wondering if you could do a post on different was to style it. I love the way you braid, twist and form your hair! Unfortunately I can't see it up close... it would be a big help.
--much love
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