my film has been developed. here's the cutest boy I told you about:

the rest of the film.

(the keds are, l to r, melvin and franny.)
Ellen and Catherine playing dress ups. (oh, and the cats name is waldo--as in
"where's waldo".) (ahh the good ol' days of dress ups. I guess that's what I
like about fashion now adays--it's alot like dress ups.)

Okay, who is the adorable little boy? Why does he look so dang familiar??? Oh, and I love that you named your keds, you are great.
he's Gabe and kristen's little boy. =) he's my new best friend. he told gabe the other day, (when they had to leave from church) that he didn't want to go with them--he wanted to stay with me. =D it melted my heart.
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