Happy christmas to my dear readers. I will be spending the day blowing my nose, taking small naps, and making a billion cups of tea for my cold. but--my spirits will not be dampened! my roll of film got developed--once again about half didn't turn out--I'll just have to remember NOT to use inside light--only natural, or else NO inside photos at all--they turn out blurry, then I have to throw them out.
yay for more film. (even if half the roll didn't turn out.) puddle: dog (Sage): self portrait:
my film got developed. woot. my ONE picture I wanted didn't turn out...kinda fuzzy...but oh well. there'll be fruitloops to photograph in the future. the fuzzy picture: (I was trying to make a rainbow...)
I love this child. and I'm happy that he loves me. I could hug him all day. just the sight of him makes me happy.
I can't wait to get more film developed--I'm really hoping the picture of my bowl of fruitloops turns out.